Unite delegate Howard Sharpe spoke today (September 16) at the TUC in support of blacklisted trade unionists. “My story is the story of hundreds, maybe thousands, of other union activists,” he…Read more…
Cameron attacks unions, while UN climate President talks to us
I’ve just returned from a Corbynesque country, where the State owns and runs the railways and its energy utilities, productivity is 27% higher than in the UK, there’s more annual leave and the top rate of income tax is 45% for earners over £110,000. It’s France, and just yesterday in its…Read more…
UNISON back on your TV
Recruitment campaign will kick off 21 September
The article UNISON back on your TV first appeared on the UNISON site.Read more…
TiSA: threat to public services
Readers of Tribune will undoubtedly be aware of the transatlantic free trade agreement between the EU and the USA, known as TTIP. You may have heard about a similar agreement (which is all but signed…Read more…
Global day of action for justice for Mulberry’s suppliers
Industriall and Labourstart have been campaigning for people to join the global day of action, today (Wednesday 16 September) for #Justice4MulberryWorkers who are employed by SF Leather, where…Read more…
This week’s labour market statistics: the first quarterly unemployment rise in nearly four years
The story in the labour market has switched: headcount figures are weaker, with the first rise on the quarterly measure for nearly four years, but earnings figures are stronger. My take on this week’s statistics was on Left Foot Forward.
The post This week’s labour market statistics:…Read more…
UNISON fair funding lobby of Welsh Assembly
UNISON members to present petition to Assembly members at Senedd building
The article UNISON fair funding lobby of Welsh Assembly first appeared on the UNISON site.Read more…
Community membership http://www.unitetheunion.org/growing-our-union/communitymembership/ Growing our union Community membership Community membership benefits Welfare benefit changes 2012-2013 Unite…Read more…
Corbyn uncut: what the new Labour leader said at TUC
Jeremy Corbyn celebrates the values of solidarity, compassion and social justiceRead more…
Lessons in Public Speaking (2) Jeremy Cobyn’s Speech:
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech, deconstructed By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine Jeremy Corbyn has made his first major speech as Labour leader. What did it reveal about him? The leader of the…Read more…
Lessons in Public Speaking and Rhetoric. (1)
Rhetorical speaking has a long history going back to the ancient Greeks. Workers have to master the art when becoming political leaders. The techniques of irony, repetition and the rule of three are…Read more…
New Scottish website to support refugees
#scotlandwelcomesrefugees A new website by Scottish Refugee Council on behalf of Scottish Government has been launched You can donate or offer time, skills and housing to support refugees coming to Scotland. http://www.scotlandwelcomesrefugees.scot/Read more…
Corbyn has strong mandate to opppose cuts says UNISON Scotland convener
#TUC15 Speaking at the TUC congress in Brighton, Lilian Macer, Convener of UNISON Scotland, said: "We are delighted that Labour Party has elected a leader who is strongly opposed to austerity. UK Government cuts are hitting people and their public services hard in Scotland, just as they are right across the UK.
"UNISON members can see the damage that austerity is doing first hand. With jobRead more…
Campaign for pregnant workers
Unite assistant general secretary Diana Holland today (Tuesday, September 15) moved a motion at the TUC in support of pregnant women facing discrimination at work. “When I first became a union…Read more…
Rousing applause
Unite delegates applaud new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn at TUC today (September 15). Pic by Mark Thomas
The post Rousing applause appeared first on UNITElive.org.Read more…
Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn addresses TUC Congress 2015
Despite being elected as Labour Leader only four days ago, Jeremy Corbyn, travelled down to address Congress. When he appeared there was a genuine standing ovation before he said a word. The former NUPE official (a founder union of UNISON) started his …Read more…
Towards a ‘Europe that shares our values’
Unite assistant general secretary Steve Turner moved a general council statement on the EU referendum at the TUC today (September 15), arguing for a vision of “a social Europe, a peaceful Europe and…Read more…
Injustice for disabled workers
Unite delegate Ian Lidbetter today (Tuesday, September 15) addressed TUC on disabled people and our welfare state. “When the reality of the general election result gradually sunk in in…Read more…
Auto sector strategy call
The news that automotive workers are the UK’s most productive employees, each generating £100,000 a year in added value, will come as no surprise to Unite members working in the sector. …Read more…
Temps perdu? Government losing the argument to roll back the clock on replacing strikers
Running in parallel with their controversial and wide reaching trade union bill, the government are currently trying to overturn a 40 year ban on employers using agency temps to cover for striking workers. Unions are rather obviously against this move,…Read more…