We Are With You staff will now be paid in line with NHS pay rates until at least 2022 – and the company has also recognised UNISON
The article Wigan and Leigh rehab workers win long-running dispute…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
We Are With You staff will now be paid in line with NHS pay rates until at least 2022 – and the company has also recognised UNISON
The article Wigan and Leigh rehab workers win long-running dispute…Read more…
We Are With You continues to refuse to pay promised wage increase, after Central Arbitration Committee rules it has to recognise UNISON
The article Addiction support workers enter last day of latest…Read more…
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation workers in north west on strike over failure to honour NHS pay award despite expensive rebranding
The article Are you with them – an appeal for solidarity donations…Read more…
(Love this pic. The 1.3 million members of UNISON are split into “Service Groups” according to their occupation and employer. Community comprises of members employed by the Voluntary Sector (Charities and Housing Associations). While we have our moment…Read more…
Striking drug and alcohol rehabilitation workers in Wigan and Leigh in dispute over failed pay promises and staff shortages, halt campaign because of coronavirus
The article Addaction strikers…Read more…
UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis, tweets his support & thanks Labour MPs Jo Platt, Yvonne Fovargue and Lisa Nandy for being on the picket line
Background to strike on UNISON NW Regional website
Drug and alcohol support workers employed by Lon…Read more…
Solidarity to privatised NHS UNISON members striking tomorrow.
“Strike action involving 31 staff employed by Addaction is set to go ahead after Acas talks did not reach a resolution to their dispute on Wednesday.
A 100% vote for strike action was pr…Read more…