“I’m sad today. I have too much work. It stacks up so quickly and I don’t have the same support I’d have in school. I get easily overwhelmed and I got a consequence on my school record today because…Read more…
Savage cuts could hurt kids’ health
Thousands of families could be ‘badly affected’ by Thousands of Suffolk families could be badly affected by a county council proposal to axe the health visiting workforce by 25 per cent, Unite said…Read more…
Health visiting ‘in meltdown’
The health visiting profession in England is once more in crisis with all the negative impact on the physical and mental well being of families and children, some of them living in very vulnerable…Read more…
‘Swingeing’ Staffordshire cuts
Services for safeguarding vulnerable children and for those suffering from domestic abuse are under serious threat due to the continuing swingeing cuts by Tory-controlled Staffordshire county…Read more…
‘Children are the future’
Unite welcomed a new pledge from the Labour Party announced this week (April 19) that would establish an additional mandated health visit for babies 3-4 months – a time that experts say is critical…Read more…
‘Postcode lottery’
The first five years after birth are often considered the most important developmental stage in childhood and can strongly influence a person’s social mobility as an adult. It was under this widely…Read more…
Kind-hearted cabbies shell out for kids
‘Tis the season for giving – and Nottingham’s big-hearted hackney cab drivers are donating £2,750 to the children’s ward at the city’s Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) tomorrow (Wednesday December 20)….Read more…