I was discussing our local MP, Grant Shapps, with a neighbour on the train last week. What was he up to, we wondered, or rather, where had he disappeared to? Sadly, the question was answered in this morning’s Sunday Times (£) where he wrote a moving self-criticism of his failure as a Minister…Read more…
Unhealthy development: How DfID promotes health privatisation
UNISON is calling on DFID to reassess its health strategy and end its support for private healthcare schemes. Instead it should focus on the eradication of poverty, through support for quality public…Read more…
Unhealthy development
The recent exposure of the scale of the government’s toxic healthcare privatisation plans has reignited the debate on in whose interest should the NHS be run – patients or shareholders. NHS deficits, caused in part by extortionate Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schemes, are providing the…Read more…
Government told to rethink promotion of private healthcare
UNISON report shows up role of Department for International Development in promoting healthcare privatisation to some of the world’s poorest countries
The article Government told to rethink…Read more…
Aid & trade: toxic mix or magic bullet?
New aid-sceptic International Development Secretary Priti Patel MP has annoyed many in the aid NGOs with an article in the Daily Express which could be taken to mean that Britain’s large overseas aid budget should be used to encourage developing countries to sign trade agreements with…Read more…