EDF Energy smart meter installers across London and southern England are being balloted for strike action in a pay dispute, Unite said today (September 30). Unite said that the impact of industrial…Read more…
Hitachi pulls out of Wylfa nuclear project
Ministers should unveil their energy White Paper urgently to allay fears about the future of the UK’s nuclear industry, following the announcement that Hitachi is pulling out of the Wylfa nuclear…Read more…
Furlough low-paid meter readers on full wages call
Morrison Data Services (MDS) can ‘well afford’ to pay furloughed London meter readers earning just above the national minimum wage their full wages, Unite said today (June 19). The union, which…Read more…
Surveillance nation
The UK is one of the most surveilled nations in the world – nearly 6m CCTV cameras watch us as we go about our daily lives. And now, this surveillance culture may be seeping into the…Read more…
EDF strike goes on
Further strike action by EDF Energy smart meter installers in London over the imposition of tracker devices in vehicles will seriously hamper the company’s 2020 installation target, Unite has warned….Read more…
EDF recognition victory
The successful battle for the trade union recognition of EDF Energy workers transferred to Morrison Data Services has been hailed as a key victory by Unite. About 40 meter readers had…Read more…
EDF smart meter strike
Strike action by EDF Energy smart meter installers in London is set to escalate in the row over the imposition of tracker devices in vehicles, and also random drug and alcohol testing. Unite, …Read more…
Tracking row
EDF Energy bosses have been accused of hypocrisy over the introduction of a vehicle tracker system for workers installing smart meters, but ruling them out in their own company cars. Unite,…Read more…
Clear path forward
Constructive discussions between employers at Hinkley Point C and Unite have resulted in a temporary agreement over the payment of bonuses during the construction of the power station. All…Read more…
Give the ‘green light’
Unite today (July 27) urged the board of energy giant EDF to give the green light on the final investment decision for the new Hinckley Point nuclear power station. The call comes ahead of…Read more…
‘Soft touch’ for electricity theft
EDF Energy will become ‘a soft touch’ for electricity theft if it cuts its revenue protection staff by 50 per cent, Unite has warned. EDF Energy is planning 6,000 staff cuts worldwide and, as…Read more…
Strike over Smart meters
A week-long strike by EDF Energy workers carrying out Smart meter installations will take place next week (January 11), after Acas talks failed to make a break through. Unite suspended a…Read more…
Energy strike suspended
A week-long strike by EDF Energy workers carrying out Smart meter installations, due to start on Monday (November 30), has been suspended for talks to take place with the conciliation service, Acas….Read more…
The end of co-working
EDF Energy meter installers, fitters and repairers are to strike for a week in a dispute that could see them having to collect their Smart meters from supermarkets and petrol stations. “Collecting…Read more…
Call for energy blueprint
Chinese investment in the Hinkley Point nuclear power station has “laid the financial building blocks” for the project to go-ahead according to Unite. But the country’s largest…Read more…
Meter staff in pay loss protest
EDF Energy staff in London, southern and western England will be taking part in a 24-hour stoppage next Wednesday (September 2) following a breakdown in talks over proposals which could see some…Read more…
EDF strike suspended
Two days of strike action by EDF Energy staff that would have affected the rollout of a Smart meter installation programme across London and southern and western England have been suspended for…Read more…