Everyone, it seems, is now committed to ending forced labour and child labour. Governments, international institutions, NGOs and businesses have come under enormous pressure to do something — and to be seen to be doing something. A good example of this is a resolution on forced labour passed…Read more…
Unions & brands press Cambodia over union law
A global union campaign to ensure fair labour laws in Cambodia has won the support of multinational brands and NGOs. IndustriALL and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are supporting…Read more…
Consultation on Modern Slavery Act
In the last days of the coalition Government the Modern Slavery Bill became law. As I reported in my blog, at the time, the Government was consulting on the reporting requirements for businesses in relation to the Transparency in Supply Chain clause. T…Read more…
Modern Slavery Act
So the Modern Slavery Bill has finally become the Modern Slavery Act. Unfortunately however its inadequacies flagged-up in my blog of 25 February were not addressed. On the very same day following a debate in the Lords my colleague Owen Tudor was able to report that the Government was defeated on…Read more…
Lords debate Modern Slavery Bill
Whilst we very much welcome the Modern Slavery Bill as an important tool in combating trafficking and forced labour, it could be improved.Read more…
Modern Slavery Bill: take action on Monday
The TUC is working with a range of corporate accountability and anti-slavery campaign groups and NGOs, including the Ethical Trading Initiative, to strengthen the Modern Slavery Bill, which is now…Read more…