‘There is an alternative‘ says general secretary as he lambasts austerity and calls for properly funded public services
The article ‘Your days are numbered,’ Dave Prentis tells Tories in Durham…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
‘There is an alternative‘ says general secretary as he lambasts austerity and calls for properly funded public services
The article ‘Your days are numbered,’ Dave Prentis tells Tories in Durham…Read more…
Commenting on the publication of the government’s local government finance settlement for 2019/20, UNISON head of local government Jon Richards said: “This is another £1bn dose of austerity…Read more…
UNISON branch warns about future of services as council seeks voluntary redundancies in face of government cuts
The article Jobs and services at risk in Hull first appeared on the UNISON National…Read more…
Members across the country call on Edinburgh parliament to use its powers to protect and fund local services people rely on
The article UNISON Scotland mounts day of action against austerity first…Read more…