Unite welcomed the recent news that defence-critical steel engineering firm Sheffield Forgemasters would be brought into the public hands after the MoD bought out the firm in a £2.6m deal. The deal…Read more…
Why despite 3 profit warnings did the Tory Government keep giving Carillion public contracts? Because its Chair was a key supporter?
Not sure he was a donor but Carillion Chair, Philip Green, was an open Conservative supporter. The corruption of public life in national politics (and local politics) is just appalling. Left and right politicians can and are found to be corrupt, but th…Read more…
Unite Policy Conference 2016 – Thursday’s business
I’ve written a report for rs21 which covers the highlights of Thursday’s business. It was a packed day, which included the momentous decision to back mandatory reselection for Labour MPs – something that would not have been supported a few weeks ago.
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to Unite Policy Conference
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech showed how much his own views align with Unite policies. He got particularly strong applause for his commitments to renationalise the railways and repeal the Trade Union Act. He also talked about the Workplace 2020 discussions ab…Read more…