94% vote for deal offering at least a 9% rise over three years, in four-week online ballot
The article Scottish NHS members vote for three-year pay deal first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
94% vote for deal offering at least a 9% rise over three years, in four-week online ballot
The article Scottish NHS members vote for three-year pay deal first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Whilst UNISON enjoyed the sun and the World Cup as much as the next union, we also didn’t let them stop us working as hard as ever on behalf of our members. Here are just some of our highlights from…Read more…
Royal Sussex County Hospital – and cake Staff at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton were presented with a giant NHS 70th birthday cake from Unite today (July 5). Staff…Read more…
Whenever ministers think a public service needs an overhaul, they bring in ‘the experts’. Ironically in many cases ‘the experts’ have limited expertise. And the very last thing ‘the…Read more…
Policy conference delegates reaffirmed Unite’s commitment to saving the NHS from funding cuts and privatisation on the service’s 70th birthday.
First time speaker Moira Dawson, a nurse from the East…Read more…
To the tune of Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday and lit by a sparkling laser display, Unite delegates gave greetings and thanks to the NHS, saluting Unite’s NHS members. Unite…Read more…
The National Health Service was born on July 5 1948, delivered by visionary Labour health minister Aneurin “Nye” Bevan at a ceremony at Park Hospital in Manchester, which is now Trafford General….Read more…
Tucked away out of public view at most hospitals is a nuclear medicine laboratory where radioactive materials are kept safely in thick lead containers. Dressed in bright white overalls, face masks…Read more…
Unite members joined health campaigners, trade unionists and people from up and down the country to pay tribute to the NHS for its 70th birthday at a march on Saturday, June 30. Tens of…Read more…
1948 did not only usher in free universal access to primary health care; it also brought with it an idea radical for its time – that the NHS should “encourage a new attitude to health…the promotion…Read more…
Here are some delegates’ selfies fresh from our Unite communications digital zone. We love you NHS! …Read more…
The NHS saved my life – that’s a debt I can never repay. But today, and everyday, I will fight to protect this most special institution and the people working within it. I know that you will all do…Read more…
Keep Our NHS Public has been one of the most used slogans for years as unions, patient groups and politicians campaign to end the privatisation of health services. Rallies and protests are…Read more…
Thousands of people marched through central London to celebrate the 70th birthday of the NHS, and show that they’re willing to fight for it
The article March for the NHS – how it went down, in…Read more…
June saw a number of highlights for the union and our members glisten in the early summer sunshine
The article UNISON is busting out all over – our monthly highlights first appeared on the…Read more…