“We are looking to add further independence, skills and knowledge to Newham’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee by seeking 3 independent co-optee members.
For further information please visit https://orlo.uk/CommitteeVacancies_zZsiaClosing date 8 Augus…Read more…
Being Scrutinised at Scrunty
Recently as Cabinet member for Housing Services I was called to answer questions by the Newham Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
This is a statutory committee of Newham Councillors whose role is to hold the Councils Executive members to account and mak…Read more…
“Newham mayor overrules council committee to push ahead with SPV spending”
Check out this report in yesterdays “Professional Pensions”about Newham Mayor, Robin Wales, overturning the recommendation of the Overview & Scrunity Committee, that no money should be spent on a proposed “Special Purpose Vehicle” (SPV) until it ha…Read more…
Overview & Scrunity “Call in” expenditure on Newham “Special Purpose Vehicle”
I was very pleased to hear this evening that members of Newham Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee had agreed to “call in” the Executive Mayor’s decision to spend up to £500,000 on developing a “Special Purpose Vehicle” (SPV) for the Newham Staff Pension fund without agreement that it…Read more…
Submission on “Call in” over Pension Provision for Members 22 July 2015
This is a report I submitted today as a Councillor to Newham Overview and Scrunity Committee.
1. Firstly, I would like to thank members of Overview and Scrutiny for supporting my request that this decision is “called in” and reviewed.
2. The decision by the Executive Mayor to…Read more…