This year is the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse disaster. Over 1100 workers died and many more injured. Register…Read more…
10th anniversary collapse of Rana Plaza garment factory Bangladesh: 1100 dead
Webinar on Global Company–Trade Union Agreements: A proxy for regulatory compliance & due diligenceAs someone who has worked on and off in the borough for 30 years (I was there today) and been a trade union representative for most of this time…Read more…
A Day in the Life of a Labour Movement Activist
A busy but satisfying Saturday. Started off with being a UNISON delegate to the virtual TUC London and South East Regional Council AGM.
During which we were reminded that today was the 8th anniversary of when the Rana Plaza factory building in D…Read more…
Rana Plaza: Unions can save lives as well as livelihoods
As we approach the 4th anniversary of terrible tragedy at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, it’s important to hold on to the sense of shock we all had when we heard that over a thousand workers, full aware…Read more…
Four years after Rana Plaza, union action prevents a repeat
On 24 April 2013, the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed, killing over 1100 mostly women workers. Bangladeshi and global unions persuaded multinational enterprises to join the Bangladesh Fire and…Read more…
Why are multinational enterprises wasting money on supply chain audits?
A new report from the University of Sheffield, published last Thursday and brilliantly summarised by Tansy Hoskins for the Guardian, provides yet more evidence for something trade unionists have known for years. Expensive audits of the impact of supply chains on workers’ rights and…Read more…
Rana Plaza anniversary: Two years is too long to wait for union rights and compensation
Today marks the second anniversary of the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh, the worst industrial disaster in the country’s history that killed almost 1200 workers, most of them women…Read more…
Engagement Panel at LAPFF14
The next item at the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) conference was a panel on “engagement” with Cllr Kieran Quinn GMPF, Chair Sir Merrick Cockell, Cllr Richard Greening LBI and Cllr Cameron Rose LPF.
Investor engagement is probably …Read more…