July Scotland in UNISON now online

Conference reports; Education plan: Support staff role ignored; FE ballot and Pride report.

The union’s briefing on the Scottish Government Education Plan: says: “…the absence of any recognition of the wider education team is very disappointing. It also warns of plans to to remove schools from local democratic control. Please note: The print version of this issue referred to school staff as ‘Read more…

Scotland in UNISON May 2016 now online

Reports of all the main UNISON speakers at the STUC Congress 2016 in Dundee
– Politicians must be bold in opposing austerity
– STUC to fight for fair and Social Europe
– Framework sets out vision for fair work in Scotland
– UNISON wins call to defend human rights
– Post election – where do the unions stand now? – Mike Kirby
– North Lanarkshire beats off privatisation
– Zero hours – bad forRead more…

April Scotland in UNISON now online

Ten ways to strengthen Scotland’s services: Manifesto for the Scottish election

‘We want to see a Parliament using the powers at its disposal in order to enhance our public services to create a fairer and sustainable Scotland,’ Mike Kirby, Scottish Secretary and Lilian Macer, Scottish Convener;
– Full rundown on UNISON Scotland’s manifesto,
– Defend the principles that underlie public servicesRead more…

March Scotland in UNISON out now

Council job cuts: Yes it is thousands; Fundamental review of council funding needed; Winning no compulsory redundancy pledges;£1m won for personal injuries; Keeping up the fight against the Anti-Union Bill; COMMUNICATIONS AWARDS 2016 Standard of entries ‘absolutely tremendous’; Changing everything – climate film and more; Young members launch award winning anti-bullying guide; UNISON’s RazaRead more…

December Scotland in UNISON out now

Beat the anti-union bill; Communications Awards 2015; Corbyn and Sturgeon say the bill must go; Celebrate learning; Council cuts campaign mounts as we face ‘worst cuts in living memory’; Tayside health branch wins low pay victory; Cordia janitors ballot; Climate march report; Speak up against police cuts; Save democracy in Turkey; Give your views on social work codes of practice and much moreRead more…

New Scotland in UNISON now online

Trade union rights are human rights – London lobby report; Equal pay victory for Fife workers; The silent slaughter of jobs and services; FE ballot: Members urged to reject 1% pay offer; New procurement guidance should extend Living Wage; STUC St Andrew’s 28 November; Scotland’s Climate March 28 November; Big increase in assaults on public service workers; Water privatisation ‘ultimate marketRead more…

New Scotland in UNISON now online

Holyrood and councils can combat austerity; Show your colours for Climate, Justice and Jobs; Fight ‘draconian’ anti union bill; Refugees welcome here international special; Council staff accept pay deal; Edinburgh beats privatisation; Fire and Rescue ballot; Gas job losses; End police cuts; Libraries need more than fine words and much more in this issue. http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/siu/Read more…

May Scotland in UNISON now online

Election special, Health conference reports, Glasgow strikers and reports from UNISON at the STUC on TTIP, local government, pay, union rights, poverty, environment, child care, BME workers, ethical care charter, flexible working, pay and much more. Take your copy into your workplace and share it or see it online at at http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/siu/index.html and on issuu at http://Read more…

New Scotland in UNISON online now

March’s Scotland in UNISON is now online: Stories on Council Cuts; Jane Carolan on Women Demanding Change; Mike Kirby on UNISON and the General Election; Comhairle Living Wage; Gordon McKay on Mental Health Nurse Freeze; Conduct pack for Nurses; Stornoway Jobs Saved; STUC Party Conference Lobbies; Skills Devt Pensions; Communications Awards and much more in this edition. http://Read more…