In private, and off the record, politicians of all political persuasions will admit that Ofsted is no longer, if it ever was, the key to raising educational standards. It is now widely acknowledged…Read more…
Shorter inspections will end the stressful ‘cliff-edge’ experience for schools
Sean Harford is national director, schools at Ofsted The title of next Tuesday’s debate is “What’s the top priority: inspection or improvement?” I believe that this is the wrong…Read more…
In a fast-changing world, how should a curriculum and assessment system enable all learners to achieve?
William Stewart is a reporter at the TES. Opinions on the kind of curriculum pupils should be taught have tended to become steadily more polarised in recent years. On the one side is the…Read more…
Value what is valuable – not just what is measurable.
Nansi Ellis is ATL’s assistant general secretary with responsibility for policy. ATL wants a broad, balanced curriculum which prepares young people for life. Here are three principles that…Read more…
Let’s make the most of the choices we have
David Crossley is the Executive Director of Whole Education Network. The Whole Education Network champions and shares innovative practice in education and supports the development of a curriculum…Read more…
In a fast-changing world, how should a curriculum and assessment system enable all learners to achieve?
Lee is Deputy Head at Cherry Orchard Primary School in Worcester. You can follow Lee on Twitter. There are few more persuasive voices in global education at present than that of Andreas Schleicher….Read more…
I now know how passionate teachers are about the subject of CPD
Richard Garner is education editor of The Independent If I didn’t realise it before, I now know how passionate teachers are about the subject of continuous professional development. Tuesday’s debate…Read more…
We need to do more to recognise and facilitate growth and career development
David Weston is the founder and Chief Executive of the Teacher Development Trust. CPD isn’t a luxury add-on to the work of teaching, it is an absolutely central element of being a professional. The…Read more…
Getting excited about CPD reminds us why we chose to do this job
Ellie Dix is the Director of Pivotal Education. CPD for teachers is a necessity. When CPD works well, it is genuinely useful and can make a huge difference not just to the practice of an individual…Read more…
Teachers want for themselves what they give their pupils – frequent opportunities to learn
Dr Mary Bousted is general secretary of ATL and AMiE. Michael Barber recently opined that teachers are ‘semi-professional’. He argued that the profession remains heavily unionised (obviously a bad…Read more…