A critical care staff shortage crisis has engulfed Guys’ and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London, a bombshell Unite survey has revealed. Nearly 200 Unite members working in critical care at the…Read more…
UNISON comments on health think-tank joint briefing into staffing shortfall in the NHS
Instead of investing in staffing, ministers introduced restrictive immigration policies and cut training budgets, all of which end up costing the NHS more than necessary in the long term
The article…Read more…
Cavendish Coalition: tackling the #right2remain for health & care workers
We have read, written and talked much in recent years about the enormous pressures in our health and social care systems – pressures caused by increasing need as people live longer but are not always well; by public spending cuts; by the necessary expenses of modern, high-tech care; and,…Read more…
UNISON warns of staff exodus as two-thirds plan to leave the NHS
Low pay and staff shortages driving NHS staff to consider quitting the service
The article UNISON warns of staff exodus as two-thirds plan to leave the NHS first appeared on the UNISON site.Read more…