“Almost one in five of Britain’s biggest companies paid not a penny of corporation tax in the UK last year, it can be revealed.
The Mail on Sunday has managed to obtain the details of the tax paid by 69 of the FTSE 100 group of largest companies …Read more…
Wealth Tax in Scotland: How it can be done
Richard Leonard’s proposed Wealth Tax has attracted some comment on its legality. Here is a guest post from Thompsons Partner Patrick McGuire, setting out why he believes the tax is sound in policy,…Read more…
Business rates review – tame but sensible reforms
The long awaited Barclay review of business rates hasn’t exactly set the heather alight, but its recommendations are, in the main, pretty sensible.
The reviews main recommendations are set out in…Read more…
Talking about taxation
Something very strange is happening in political discourse in Scotland – everyone’s talking about tax.
The Scotland Bill hasn’t even been passed, but it is having the desired effect of moving the…Read more…