Unions: not them; us. “Think not what your union can do for you but what you can do for your union.” Actually when I went through gender reassignment, my thoughts were very much with what my union…Read more…
TUC joins May Day protests for jailed Iranian teachers
The TUC has supported a letter this 1 May calling on the Iranian government to release two Iranian teacher union leaders and scores of other jailed trade unionists as part of a general call “to…Read more…
Iraq trade unions back the ‘white shirts revolution’
Last Friday, the Iraqi Teachers Union (ITU) openly endorsed the actions of students and teachers across Iraq (known as the ‘White Shirts Revolution’) who are standing up for justice, fair…Read more…
Iranian teacher unions – good & bad news
Despite returning to the international community and the victory for moderates in the Parliamentary elections a month ago, life gets no better for trade unionists in Iran. As UK teacher unions hold…Read more…
Teachers form new Arab trade union bloc
Seventeen education unions and associations representing sixteen Arab countries from the Middle East and North Africa met on 7-8 October in Beirut in Lebanon to establish a new Arab teachers’ trade…Read more…
Take action on Iran’s crackdowns on teachers & journalists
Perhaps upset that it somehow missed out on inclusion in the ITUC list of the ten worst countries to be a trade unionist last month, Iran has made a strong early bid to be included next year by…Read more…