From my twitter feed as UNISON Labour Link Delegate lead.John Gray @grayee Start of day 2 of @LondonLabour conference. 9.10am start with opening remarks by Chair Maggi Ferncombe @unisontheunionJohn Gray @grayee Proud to ha…Read more…
Juggling childcare and changing shifts – my story as a working dad
Before my son was born, I worked part-time but did as much overtime as I could to top up my wages. But that’s not possible when you have a baby to look after. My wife has a full-time contract and a…Read more…
#Respect16 campaign: Usdaw demand an end to abuse of shopworkers
“I was attacked at work when I caught a customer stealing – they tried to strangle me.” This is the story of an Usdaw member in Northwich, and it’s not an isolated incident. Life on the frontline of…Read more…
NIESR report shows need to end race to the bottom on jobs
A report released this week by NIESR identifies low pay and precarious contracts as one of the key reason more local workers do not take up jobs in the hospitality, food processing and construction sectors leading employers in these sectors to draw on migrant workers from other EU countries, who…Read more…
Rättvisa lön: IKEA unveil plan to build a Living Wage
Great news this week for Usdaw members in IKEA, as the Swedish flat pack furniture giant have committed to sign up as a Living Wage employer.Read more…
Anti-Social Europe: USDAW v Wilson in the ECJ
01 May 2015
By Michael Ford QC.
In the 1970s AZCO, a multinational with employees in various European countries, decided it would make about 5000 workers redundant. It took care to work out in…Read more…
On the 20-22 April the STUC Congress will be meeting in Ayr. The theme of this year’s Congress is Decent Work and Dignified Lives. In the run up to Congress this blog will host a series of…Read more…