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- Subscribe to the feed Subscribe to our RSS feed in your feed reader. This way you can get the headlines from all our blogs in one feed – making it much easier to keep in touch with loads of opinions and updates.
- Add your own blog to the feed Do you keep a blog which is (in part at least) about the UK trade union movement? If so, let us know and we’ll add it to the feed. Every hour we’ll add any new posts you’ve written to the group feed so that people subscribing to it will also see your new posts.
- Tell your mates Know any other union bloggers? Tell them about, or suggest they might like to add their own blogs to the feed – The more, the merrier!
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- Help out This is probably going to be a ‘work in progress’ forever, so if you spot quirks, or reckon you could do a much better job of writing/designing/coding any of it, we’d love to hear from you!
- Keep blogging! That’s the important one really…