It appears that MP’s truly get a bad press and when they get some good news we cannot help but knock them for six. Take the 11% increase in pay announced by the independent parliamentary…Read more…
Handling small-scale redundancies
The regular Thompsons Solicitors blog British workers are feeling less secure than at any time in the past 20 years. Below-inflation pay cuts are creating a cost of living crisis whilst…Read more…
‘Making a killing’ or protecting Royal Mail workers’ rights?
Most of the media focus has been on the government’s ‘hugely successful’ sale of our 400+ year-old Royal Mail at a knockdown price to their chums in the City. Over at the postal…Read more…
Straws in the wind?
At the Labour Conference fringe in Brighton, there was a distinct change of mood. It wasn’t just Ed Miliband’s one hour ‘tour de force’ but also the warm reception given to…Read more…