Austerity Is an Election Issue!Read more…
Union reactions to Syriza’s victory
Unions around the world have welcomed the election result in Greece last Sunday, because the victory of the anti-austerity Syriza party was a rejection of the policies that have dominated Europe…Read more…
The Workers’ Opposition Has the Aim of Defeating the Coalition Government and Holding the Future Government to Account
The Northern Public Services Alliance (PSA) summit in Newcastle was on one level a fighting conference to rally the public sector organisers behind the fight against austerity. As Dave Prentis said,…Read more…
Syriza Triumphs in Greek Elections
Greece’s parliamentary election was held on Sunday, January 25, resulting in Syriza, the Coalition of the Radical Left, gaining 149 seats, just short of of the 151 needed for an overall…Read more…
Utilising the Election Campaign to the Advantage of the Electorate:
It is over three months before the General Election on May 7. But already there is intense speculation on the balance of forces in the new Parliament, and the “100 days” to the election rocket has…Read more…
New BMW Facility Opens With 70 Saved Teamsters Jobs
BMW opened a brand new distribution facility near the old one where Teamsters Local 495 fought to save 70 members’ jobs a couple of years ago — and won. For a while it looked as if BMW was…Read more…
At this Festival, Connections are Key
–>My Review of the Celtic Connections concert featuring Luka Bloom and Bella Hardy was in Wednesday’s Morning Star. it can be found here.Another concert that the Star hasn’t had the space…Read more…
Rmt Waterloo Branch nominated and has supported Alan Pottage for the Assistant General Secretary position, he is the most experienced loyal and hard working person and is the best and only man for…Read more…
Saturday Sectarian: Green Lies & the Green Housing vacuum
I have just enjoyed reading two very different posts on the Green Party and their policies.
The first was from the never shy nor retiring Kitty Jones on
“You’d have to be Green to believe the Green Party: two more lies exposed”.
While the other post by Steve Hilditch “The grass isn’t any greener…Read more…
Why Making Up Lost Ground on Pay is so Important
Last week’s employment figures showed the annual increase in average weekly earnings (regular pay) rising to 1.8 per cent, higher than the most recent inflation figures (1.6 per cent for the Retail Price Index, 0.5 per cent using the CPI). It’s a bit early to celebrate, though. The reality is that…Read more…
GREECE: The End Of Austerity?
I now know how passionate teachers are about the subject of CPD
Richard Garner is education editor of The Independent If I didn’t realise it before, I now know how passionate teachers are about the subject of continuous professional development. Tuesday’s debate…Read more…
Recovery… well sort of.
We have recovered from the Financial crisis. Yes we have –
it’s official. Well sort of, we currently have employment levels back at 2008
levels – 73%.
Whoopee, let’s celebrate, let
joy be unconfined amongst the masses pop the champagne corks and…ehh hang on.
If we have recovered why are so many of us so much worse off?
Well the reason is that while jobs numbers haveRead more…
Pension funds in action
Blogging is light to non-existent currently, but here are three nuggets worth flagging up.
1. Pretty incredible win for investors worried about climate change – Shell has recommended that shareholders vote FOR their resolution at this year’s AGM…Read more…
e NEWS 30 January 2015
A qualified workforce?
Why a qualified workforce? Is this a question we should even be posing? Does it make sense to talk of an unqualified workforce? How is it that teaching in FE colleges or academies, independent…Read more…
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National Campaign Day with Lyn Brown and Harriet Harman – Sat 31 Jan
“Tomorrow is national campaign day. Lyn Brown MP and Harriet Harman, Deputy Leader of the Labour party, invite you to the opening of the new campaign centre for Bermondsey and Old Southwark – followed, of course, by a canvassing session for Labour’s ca…Read more…
Saving Our Safety Net Fact of the Week: 800,000 children live in families that are behind on their energy bills
(Warning: long post.) This week’s headline comes from Show Some Warmth, an excellent new report from the Children’s Society that looked at the problem of energy debt – families falling into debt because they cannot pay their energy bills. The report found that 3.8 million children live in…Read more…
“Rights at Work” UNISON Labour Link event at House of Commons
This is a fantastic picture from last weeks’ London UNISON Labour Link “Rights at Work” event for our members who live in Ilford North CLP. The event was organised by Lilian Greenwood MP (who use to be a UNISON national officer and is a great friend of…Read more…