The latest government announcement on reforms to financial support for those with ill health or disability is full of misleading rhetoric. The lives of those with ill health or disability are completely misrepresented, and the language the government u…Read more…
50 mlynedd o TUC Cymru: Cronfa Dysgu Undebau Cymru
Ers 25 mlynedd mae gweithwyr yng Nghymru wedi gallu cael mynediad at hyfforddiant a dysgu yn eu gweithle diolch i raglen a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru o’r enw Gronfa Dysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF). Dyma stori sut y gwnaeth WULF helpu Mark Church i gadw e…Read more…
50 years of TUC Cymru: Wales Union Learning Fund
For 25 years workers in Wales have been able to access training and learning in their workplace thanks to a Welsh Government funded programme called WULF. Find out how his union and Wales Union Learning Fund helped Mark keep his job, and change his lif…Read more…
50 mlynedd o TUC Cymru: Sefydliad arweiniol i ddatganoli yng Nghymru
Hanner can mlynedd yn ôl, daeth y mudiad undebol yng Nghymru ynghyd yn Aberystwyth i ddeddfu cynllun a oedd yn ffrwyth llafur blynyddoedd o waith. Byddai canlyniad y cyfarfod hwn yn ail-lunio’r mudiad undebau llafur yn y DU, ac yn arwain llwybr Cymru …Read more…
50 years of TUC Cymru: A guiding light for Welsh devolution
50 years ago, the union movement in Wales gathered in Aberystwyth to enact a plan that had been years in the making. The outcome of this meeting would reshape the trade union movement in the UK, and be a guiding light for the path of Wales as a nation.
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50 mlynedd o TUC Cymru: Ymgyrchu dros gydraddoldeb yn rhoi’r menopos ar y map
Darllenwch sut daeth y menopos yn un o ymgyrchoedd cydraddoldeb fwyaf i TUC Cymru.
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50 years of TUC Cymru: Campaigning for equality puts the menopause on the map
How the menopause became one of TUC Cymru’s biggest ever workplace equality campaigns.
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TUC Cymru 50: Balchder a streic y glowyr
Yn y ffilm arobryn Pride yn 2014, Dai Donovan yw’r glöwr Cymreig cynnes a hwyliog sy’n cwrdd â Lesbiaid a Hoywon sy’n Cefnogi’r Glowyr (LGSM) yn Llundain ac yna, yn ôl yng Nghymru, mae’n croesawu aelodau o’r grŵp ar lawr ei ystafell fyw. Heb os, mae’n …Read more…
TUC Cymru 50: Pride and the miners’ strike
In the 2014 award-winning film Pride, Dai Donovan is the warm, good-humoured Welsh miner who meets Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) in London and then, back home in Wales, hosts members of the group on his living-room floor. He’s undoubtedly…Read more…
Conservative policies mean UK has had worst inflation and growth outcomes in the G7
The outcomes once again show conservative government policies as seriously wrongheaded. While the coming monthly figures are likely to show inflation back at target, across the two years the UK has paid a much higher price than other countries in term…Read more…
Government should be supporting people into work – not making disabled people’s lives harder
The latest government announcement on reforms to financial support for those with ill health or disability is full of misleading rhetoric. The lives of those with ill health or disability are completely misrepresented, and the language the government u…Read more…
50 mlynedd o TUC Cymru: Cronfa Dysgu Undebau Cymru
Ers 25 mlynedd mae gweithwyr yng Nghymru wedi gallu cael mynediad at hyfforddiant a dysgu yn eu gweithle diolch i raglen a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru o’r enw Gronfa Dysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF). Dyma stori sut y gwnaeth WULF helpu Mark Church i gadw e…Read more…
50 years of TUC Cymru: Wales Union Learning Fund
For 25 years workers in Wales have been able to access training and learning in their workplace thanks to a Welsh Government funded programme called WULF. Find out how his union and Wales Union Learning Fund helped Mark keep his job, and change his lif…Read more…
50 mlynedd o TUC Cymru: Sefydliad arweiniol i ddatganoli yng Nghymru
Hanner can mlynedd yn ôl, daeth y mudiad undebol yng Nghymru ynghyd yn Aberystwyth i ddeddfu cynllun a oedd yn ffrwyth llafur blynyddoedd o waith. Byddai canlyniad y cyfarfod hwn yn ail-lunio’r mudiad undebau llafur yn y DU, ac yn arwain llwybr Cymru …Read more…
50 years of TUC Cymru: A guiding light for Welsh devolution
50 years ago, the union movement in Wales gathered in Aberystwyth to enact a plan that had been years in the making. The outcome of this meeting would reshape the trade union movement in the UK, and be a guiding light for the path of Wales as a nation.
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50 mlynedd o TUC Cymru: Ymgyrchu dros gydraddoldeb yn rhoi’r menopos ar y map
Darllenwch sut daeth y menopos yn un o ymgyrchoedd cydraddoldeb fwyaf i TUC Cymru.
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50 years of TUC Cymru: Campaigning for equality puts the menopause on the map
How the menopause became one of TUC Cymru’s biggest ever workplace equality campaigns.
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TUC Cymru 50: Balchder a streic y glowyr
Yn y ffilm arobryn Pride yn 2014, Dai Donovan yw’r glöwr Cymreig cynnes a hwyliog sy’n cwrdd â Lesbiaid a Hoywon sy’n Cefnogi’r Glowyr (LGSM) yn Llundain ac yna, yn ôl yng Nghymru, mae’n croesawu aelodau o’r grŵp ar lawr ei ystafell fyw. Heb os, mae’n …Read more…
TUC Cymru 50: Pride and the miners’ strike
In the 2014 award-winning film Pride, Dai Donovan is the warm, good-humoured Welsh miner who meets Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) in London and then, back home in Wales, hosts members of the group on his living-room floor. He’s undoubtedly…Read more…
Conservative policies mean UK has had worst inflation and growth outcomes in the G7
The outcomes once again show conservative government policies as seriously wrongheaded. While the coming monthly figures are likely to show inflation back at target, across the two years the UK has paid a much higher price than other countries in term…Read more…