Anne Heavey is a policy officer at ATL. The mood at Stanley Park High is a happy one, in which all students and staff are united in joint purpose – learning. The students were engaged in their…Read more…
U.S. Pressure Fails to Stop New Development Bank
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank In October 2014, twenty-one Asian nations discussed and signed on to create a new development bank for Asia, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)….Read more…
U.S. Authorizes Saudi Arabian Military Aggression On March 26, Saudi Arabia initiated airstrikes against Yemen killing some 39 civilians, according to news agencies. The action came after extensive…Read more…
Canada’s Economic Existential Crisis
A New Direction for the Economy – K.C. Adams – Part One: Problems in the Manufacturing Sector A modern economy is a complicated organism. Without all its parts functioning in harmony, the organism…Read more…
North Sea strike gets closer after unions vote ‘Yes’ in consultative ballot
GMB and Unite members angry at attacks on their pay and conditionsRead more…
Government’s justification for introducing ET fees is based on myths
Thompsons Solicitors say fees are denying workers justiceRead more…
Meet the Martyrs – Tolpuddle trail brings tale to life
Visitors to the Dorset village can listen to Maxine Peake tell the story of the agricultural workers transported to Australia after forming a unionRead more…
Probation in crisis as Sodexo culls one in three jobs
Napo believes company is not going to honour agreed voluntary redundancy schemeRead more…
“Pupils twist things” – school staff call for anonymity to protect them against false accusations
ATL survey shows one in three staff have been victims of false allegationsRead more…
Message from Mogadishu
Over the weekend, we received the following report from our brother Omar Faruk Osman, the journalists’ union leader who is General Secretary of the Somali equivalent of the TUC, the Federation…Read more…
Stratford, Finchley & Ilford Labour Campaign Day and the more people see of Ed Miliband – the more they like him
Saturday was a busy campaigning day. In the morning I went to the Sarah Sackman’s headquarters in Finchley & Golders Green, to help deliver leaflets on behalf of “trade unions together” (TULO). This was a really well organised office with a fr…Read more…
“Broken Commitments, Vulnerable Workers” – Union busting by National Express continues
On Tuesday morning I attended another presentation by US transport union, the Teamsters, to pension funds on the anti-union practises by a National Express owned US company called Durham which runs schools buses.
The Chair of the Local Auth…Read more…
Pensions reform dogma exposes more savers to rip-off risk, says TUC
26 March 2015 Commenting on the publication of the final Retirement income market study report from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which warns that the government’s pensions reforms may…Read more…
Priorities for UNISON members?
Regular readers of this blog (Sid and Doris SOC) will realise that I am not above linking back to an earlier post on this blog.
This is particularly the case when – moving on from this week’s Local…Read more…
Thank you, Good luck and Goodbye – to a Workers Champion
Picture from last night’s leaving dinner for my branch outreach worker, Andy Robertson (2nd on
Andy is a former UNISON Housing activist in Leeds who left to become a mature student at university to study a HR (Human Relations – what we u…Read more…
Before you go to bed tonight remember to change your clock according to your political values…
Moving that the question be put
In the third of three posts this evening reflecting upon this week’s UNISON Special Local Government Conference I want to deal with the question of Conference delegates moving ” that the question be now put.” A fair bit of this went on on Tuesday, to the extent that the President (who was chairing…Read more…
Should a Conference overrule a ballot?
Among the questions I’ve been asked since the decision of Tuesday’s Special UNISON Local Government Service Group Conference to submit a pay claim for local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for this year, one worthy of particular consideration concerns the propriety of a…Read more…
After the Special Local Government Conference decision – who is saying what?
The decisions of UNISON’s Special Local Government Conference (crucially the decision to try to reopen pay negotiations in the National Joint Council (NJC) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland this year) have attracted a range of online comment.I am indebted to my fellow member of the National…Read more…
Lights out for Earth Hour
We’ve put the lights out on our website to prepare for Earth Hour 2015 tonight at 8.30pm. See the website at and see why at more…