I was very pleased to read that, between February 2016 and February 2017, the total value of fines imposed on businesses for health and safety offences was £73.2 million. That was up from £35.4…Read more…
Modern slavery
Sports Direct was named in three separate modern slavery trials within six months this year, all of which related to Polish migrants being sent to work at the firm’s Shirebrook warehouse through…Read more…
Credit crunch revisited?
Ten years ago today, the credit crunch that would catapult the world into financial crisis first began. On that day, August 9, 2007, BNP Paribas announced it would stop activity with three hedge…Read more…
‘Dirty Donny’?
Unite has warned that Doncaster residents are facing sustained periods without rubbish collections, as a dispute with private contractor Suez over pay and job losses deepens. The dispute…Read more…
Battery plant sale
Unite said it would be seeking guarantees over the pay, terms and conditions of its members at Nissan’s Sunderland battery manufacturing business after the carmaker announced its sale as part of…Read more…
UNISON comments on government NHS staffing plan
Responding to government plans to provide an extra 10,000 training places for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals UNISON assistant general secretary Christina McAnea said: “These…Read more…
‘The last resort’
I’ve been working for Birmingham’s refuse service for over 15 years now, or the ‘bins’ as me and my mates call it. I say mates because that’s what my colleagues are. We’re a close knit bunch doing a…Read more…
West Ham Branch Labour Party Summer BBQ & Fundraiser: Thursday 31 August 7-9pm
This will be a fun event taking place at the Vicarage Lane Community Centre, Govier Close, West Ham, E15 4HW.
Please RSVP to branch secretary John Whitworth if you are planning to come. All members and their guests welcome.
Hat tip invite SeyiRead more…
Renationalise failing privatised probation services, say unions
The government must bring failing privatised probation services back under public control instead of leaving the taxpayer to bail them out, UNISON, NAPO and GMB said today (Wednesday). The three…Read more…
Which trade unions are in decline?
I blogged a little while ago about the disappointing official statistics which show the current decline in trade union membership. For some years I have been perplexed that the official leadership of the movement isn’t more alert to our plight. Perhaps it would be clearer if it were looked at from…Read more…
Lobby LGA Employers Pay Consultation: London Councils Monday 14 August
I have a clash but hope this important lobby in support of decent pay for all Council workers goes well! I will be submitting a motion on pay to the next Newham Labour Group and branch/CLP meeting. Read more…
Remove ‘pests’ outrage
An eviction company has been slammed by Unite after running an advert comparing domestic renters to vermin. The Facebook advert for the Remove a Tenant firm, which provides eviction services…Read more…
Workplace pensions work: three lessons from today’s ONS stats
More older workers retiring today benefit from decent workplace pensions than ever before according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics. But changes to pension provision mean these gains are in danger of being reversed, and there…Read more…
‘Paltry’ pay offer
Unite members at the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant are set to hold an industrial action ballot over a ‘completely unacceptable’ 1.5 per cent pay offer that has been imposed by management….Read more…
No Fringe benefits
There might be plenty of laughs each year at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival but for the hundreds of people behind the scenes who make the Festival possible – the bartenders, stagehands, venue…Read more…
Sheffield Steelworkers’ Strike:
Warning of more industrial action at Sheffield factory as steelworkers’ strike ends Workers on strike at Rom Ltd, Brightside Lane. Steelworkers who walked out on strike amid claims their…Read more…
“Don’t cat-call, comrades. Support common sense”. As controversy continues over defining Jew-hate, read a Marxist view
On Friday the Jewish Chronicle published this article by my libel blogging mate David Osler (aka other names).
By coincidence that day I met with Dave and his partner Stroppy in a Hackney restaurant for a prearranged “put the world to rights” meal, go…Read more…
Edinburgh’s International Festival – for the elite, or for the masses?
A little-known fact of the Edinburgh International Festival (EIF), is that it has always included on its board a representative from the city’s trade unionists. Appointed by Edinburgh’s TUC, the…Read more…
‘This disgraceful gap’
“Huge gaps” remain between the living standards of different ethnic groups, new research shows. An average Bangladeshi household makes £8,900 less than a white British one, while a typical…Read more…
The government’s decision to privatise enforcement puts profits ahead of security
PCS has launched a campaign to halt the Conservative government’s latest attempt to privatise sensitive work in our justice system. On 1 August, civil servants employed as civilian enforcement officers (CEOs) were told that the work they do enforcing financial fines for the criminal courts, will…Read more…