Staffing targets are the wrong approach to public service reform. In the run up to the UK general election, political parties are tripping over themselves with commitments on the number of nurses,…Read more…
The case for fully devolving Housing Benefit
UNISON’s case for the full devolution of Housing Benefit has been supported by the respected think tank IPPR. Scotland needs all the policy levers to effectively address our housing crisis.
The…Read more…
GDP figures hide an unbalanced economic recovery
Today’s GDP figures look good on an annual basis, but they hide a slowdown in the last two quarters that starts to look like a trend.
GDP, grew 0.5% in the fourth quarter of the year, compared with…Read more…
Why energy bills should be falling faster
Energy prices are back in the news as politicians call on the energy companies to reflect the oil price fall in their gas and electricity prices.
EoN were first out with a gas price cut, followed by…Read more…
Budget blues
The consequences of austerity economics dominate budget setting at UK, Scottish and local authority level.
The Budget Bill was presented to the Scottish Parliament this week. Over five years the…Read more…
Fracking – over to you!
Some astute politics by Labour and Tom Greatrex MP puts decisions on fracking very firmly in the Scottish Government’s court.
The Smith Agreement proposes the devolution of licences for gas…Read more…
Protecting Public Services
Scotland’s public services are living through a lost decade as a consequence of austerity economics and we can do more to protect public services.
Tomorrow (Tuesday 13 January 2015) the Scottish…Read more…
Scottish Labour’s Clause 4 moment – socialism and patriotism
Well that’s the Scottish leadership election over. There was at least a real debate about ideas and strategy and Neil Findlay’s campaign ensured that we didn’t get the coronation the system usually…Read more…
Time to take action on pensions
There are some big changes to our pensions next year. The Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme changes next April and the UK government is allowing transfers out as a lump sum. In addition, new…Read more…
Why 40,000 lost council jobs may only be the tip of the iceberg
More than 40,000 jobs in Scottish local government are at risk over the next five years if austerity economics continue.
Today’s ‘The National’ newspaper carries a story quoting my estimate of the…Read more…
The real chill in the Autumn Statement
A budget package in December may not be Autumn, but it certainly had a real chill for those least able to afford its consequences.
This was a classic Osborne budget statement. Massive real cuts,…Read more…
Why Scotland and the UK should oppose TTIP
Politicians can be so fixated by the benefits of free trade that they are missing the real dangers of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
TTIP is a series of trade negotiations…Read more…
Two cheers for the Smith Commission
The Smith Commission report is an important step forward on the devolution journey, even if many of us who support further devolution will be disappointed over its omissions.
First of all let’s…Read more…
Legislative programme. The good, the bad and the process
The Scottish Government’s legislative programme is the predictable mixed bag. Some positive bits, some prospects of action and some significant disappointments.
The eye catcher was land reform. Not…Read more…
Coalition against Ineos fracking plans
Fracking is back in the news with the announcement that Ineos, the owners of the Grangemouth plant, has £640 million plans for shale gas exploration and appraisal. It already has two licences for…Read more…
Progressive polices will bring voters back to Scottish Labour
My Gran used to say, ‘all politicians are the same’ and as a consequence voted for the candidate whose eye brows were the furthest apart. While the eye brow test may be unique, sadly, her view of…Read more…
Why I am supporting Neil Findlay for Scottish Labour Leader
Scottish Labour needs an authentic voice to win back support and that’s why I am supporting Neil Findlay as the next Leader of Scottish Labour.
The days when voters could be won with spin and little…Read more…
Diversifing energy ownership needs a more radical approach
Community energy provides an opportunity to diversify Scotland’s energy ownership from the dominance of big energy companies. The Scottish Government has published a Community Energy Statement that…Read more…
NHS Scotland is under financial pressure and it’s going to get worse
NHS in Scotland is facing significant pressures at the same time as having to make major changes to services to meet future needs. That’s the key message from the latest Audit Scotland report on NHS…Read more…
Let’s be bolder on tackling poverty pay during Living Wage Week
During Living Wage Week we should focus on ensuring that the 400,000 workers in Scotland on poverty pay are paid the living wage.
The idea behind a living wage is very simple. A worker should be…Read more…