The government’s draconian strike legislation has nothing to do with safety. It is designed to weaken the power of trades … MoreRead more…
Report: Unite Policy Conference 2018
This isn’t an official report, but is accurate to the best of my knowledge. If you spot any errors or omissions, please let me know. I have also uploaded the official “progress of business”.
You can refer to the conference agenda (the pack of motions …Read more…
Latest anti-union laws
The government has published new draft documents relating to the Trade Union Act 2016. These include:
Draft Code of Practice on industrial action ballots and notice to employers (which includes the new ballot thresholds)Draft Code of Practice on picket…Read more…
Unite Policy Conference 2016 – Thursday’s business
I’ve written a report for rs21 which covers the highlights of Thursday’s business. It was a packed day, which included the momentous decision to back mandatory reselection for Labour MPs – something that would not have been supported a few weeks ago.
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to Unite Policy Conference
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech showed how much his own views align with Unite policies. He got particularly strong applause for his commitments to renationalise the railways and repeal the Trade Union Act. He also talked about the Workplace 2020 discussions ab…Read more…
Report from GPM&IT NISC April 2016
The committee, which covers the Graphical, Paper, Media & IT industries, met Monday and Tuesday. This is a summary of some key points. I’ve not included most of the industrial detail (and some other points) in my report because not everything is appropriate to post publicly. For jargon, see…Read more…
Defending rights won by sacrifice and hardship
#STUC2016 UNISON’s Rakiya Suleiman has called on trade unions to unite in fighting the Anti-Union Bill and defend rights won over decades, ‘involving sacrifices and hardships that we find difficult to imagine.’
See all STUC reports on the website
She said: “Our movement did not arise out of a spirit of benevolence and partnership on the part of employers. The rights we have were won overRead more…
March Scotland in UNISON out now
Council job cuts: Yes it is thousands; Fundamental review of council funding needed; Winning no compulsory redundancy pledges;£1m won for personal injuries; Keeping up the fight against the Anti-Union Bill; COMMUNICATIONS AWARDS 2016 Standard of entries ‘absolutely tremendous’; Changing everything – climate film and more; Young members launch award winning anti-bullying guide; UNISON’s RazaRead more…
Support the Junior Doctors and Student Nurses
For years the government has been slashing at the NHS, cutting and privatising to boost the profits of the private health vultures (many of whom have unsavoury links to MPs and other decision makers).
Now Cameron and Hunt have decided to take on both …Read more…
Report from UNITE sector conference, November 2015
The conferences were organised over three days, with services sectors on Monday, manufacturing sectors on Tuesday, and transport sectors on Wednesday. The Graphical, Paper, Media & IT (GPM&IT) conference was on Tuesday. This report covers the p…Read more…
UNITE GPM&IT National Industrial Sector Committee meeting November 2015
The Graphical, Paper, Media & IT NISC met on 12-13 November, and this is a report of some points of potential interest. It doesn’t include the (important) reports on what’s going on in various employers and sub-sectors, as the NISC regards these as…Read more…
Civil Rights and the Trade Union Bill
I’ve written a piece on the Tories’ new Trade Union Bill and opposition to it, which has been published here.Read more…
Protect the right to strike
The Tories’ new Trade Union Bill is a massive attack on civil rights, from the right to strike to freedom of expression and assembly.
TUC General Secretary Fraces O’Grady has produced a short video as part of the campaign against it:
The TUC has als…Read more…
Defeat the Trade Union Bill – STUC public meeting in Glasgow Tue 26 Aug
The Scottish TUC has called a public meeting to mobilise opposition to the vindictive Tory Trade Union Bill. Renfied St Stephen’s Centre, Bath Street, Glasgow on Tuesday 26 August from 6.30pm – 9pm.
Chair: Helen Connor, STUC Vice-President & EIS Speakers:
Jackson Cullinane, Political Officer, Unite the Union Scotland Lillian Macer, Convenor , Unison Scotland Mark Serwotka, General SecretaryRead more…
Tory ballot-rigging threatens democratic right to strike
“Today’s Queen’s Speech is a speech for working people, from a One Nation government that will bring our country together.” David Cameron The government’s ‘reform’ of trade union law constitutes an anti-democratic ballot rigging proposal designed to…Read more…
Stop the Tories ballot-rigging proposal
Stop the Tories ballot rigging proposals A letter to the Swindon Advertiser The parliamentary majority which the Tories won in the General Election was delivered by the undemocratic first past the post system (FPTP). Whilst they might be said to have a…Read more…
Partnership means rights on both sides – repeal anti-union laws
#stuc15 STUC delegates slammed the attacks on equalities, employment rights and trade union freedoms and backed a UNISON led composite to continue the fight for the repeal of all anti-trade union laws.
STUC reiterated its support for the Mather Commission “Working Together” report and pledged to make sure that the fundamental principles of trade union rights, including the right to strike, areRead more…