I’ve seen something a bit odd on twitter over the past few days – people from various bits of the Left having a dig at the involvement of the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) in the government’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak. I’ve no dog in …Read more…
Two interesting things
1. There are two different pieces about shareholder primacy, and why it might be a bad idea, in the FT today. One from the City editor of the FT and one from Rana Foroohar. Meanwhile Theresa May (remember her?) has criticised directors getting paid in …Read more…
Nudging in the right direction: Behavioural economics to improve workplace safety
On various occasions I have criticised the Government’s reliance on “nudge theory”. The biggest use of it in the workplace health area was the Responsibility Deal which the Government quietly closed…Read more…
Behavioural insight as a weapon
I’ve blogged on an off over the years about behavioural economics and what lefties can usefully learn from it. It seems like the surge of interest on the Left in the UK in this area has subsided a bit compared to a few years back. But I’m sure the same…Read more…