Last week I went to the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) Annual 3 day Conference in Bournemouth. I have been one of the Joint Vice Chairs for the past 3 years and an active participant in LAPFF both as a trade union pension rep and a Co…Read more…
Far right fans Amazon flames
The wildfires engulfing the Amazon rainforest are linked to Brazil’s far right government, Unite’s Mike Hedges explains
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Campaign for freedom win
The revelations uncovered about the case against former Brazilian President Lula da Silva, jailed in April last year, vindicate a year of campaigning for his freedom. But this isn’t just about Lula,…Read more…
‘Watergate’ moment for Brazil?
Evidence that a senior Brazilian judge collaborated with prosecutors to unjustly convict former Brazilian President Lula da Silva and others for corruption vindicates a year of campaigning for his…Read more…
Brazilian unions protest for Lula and for justice
Last year’s legislative coup against the democratically-elected President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, was denounced by trade unionists in the country who predicted that the corrupt replacement…Read more…
Brazil’s unions rally against illegitimate Government’s privatisation & cuts agenda
The Olympics is over and the Paralympics has yet to start. Brazil’s Senate is using the break to start formal impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff, and the illegitimate government…Read more…
Why the new Brazilian regime is illegitimate
I’ve written before about how developments in Brazil are bad for working people, but the situation is getting worse, and with the Rio Olympics less than 10 weeks away, the world’s gaze…Read more…
Brazil teeters on the brink of counter-revolution
Brazilian union leader Joao Felicio, now President of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), is flying into London this week to stir up opposition to the counter-revolution underway in…Read more…
TUC backs Brazilian unions: no to the coup!
You may have seen some stories in the media about political developments in Brazil, where the forces who used to dominate the country while it was under military dictatorship and then in the years…Read more…
Brazil slave labour victims seek justice at Americas’ top rights court
Since 1995, around 50,000 people in Brazil have been freed from slave-like workRead more…