This is incredible and a shameful stain on our union but 15 UNISON members (14 women and 1 man) have made complaints of bullying and harassment against the current lay President of UNISON. This includes threats of violence. This man has since been dism…Read more…
Support the Kirklees 15 – Believe Women (& Men) who report bullying and harassment & give them Justice
Donate here for the Kirklees 15
“On behalf of the Kirklees 15, we are fundraising to help us build awareness of our campaign for justice in our Union, Unison. We are made up of Unison members and branch employed staff past and present.Our Complaints of…Read more…
inUNISON – Beating the bullies
Check out this post in the new website inUNISON “by members for members” sign posting a great guide by UNISON on standing up to bullies and harassment in the workplace.
by Carol Jones 1 minute read”Supporting members in the workplace …Read more…