Trump is on a mission to tear the heart and the humanity out of America …Read more…
Trump and the Clinton Campaign (24 November): NHS Campaign Day (26 November): West Ham Xmas Quiz (9 December)
Dear West Ham Labour Member
NHS Campaign day – this Saturday
Labour is holding a National NHS Campaign Day this Saturday (26th). Here in West Ham we’ll be talking to voters at a steet staill and by knocking on doors in Stratford. We hop…Read more…
On a challenging day, Durham TAs show that there’s so much to fight for
We face huge challenges on so many fronts. At times they can seem insurmountable. But today let’s remember what we stand for. And why we must keep fighting all of those challenges that still lie…Read more…
Rising inequality helps explain Trump and Brexit
While I hope that the United States will not elect Trump to be their President tomorrow, I was
fascinated to read the statement below at a recent Newham Council Investment and Accounts committee.
“Even if Trump loses, the anti-Establishment, anti-tra…Read more…