04/02/2020. The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has published a guide for journalists on the transposition of the new EU whistleblower directive. Launched on 04 February 2020 in the European…Read more…
EU Parliament’s JURI committee rules whistleblowers should be protected at EU level
Brussels, 20/11/2018. The JURI committee of the European Parliament today decided overwhelmingly that whistleblowers in the European Union should be entitled to protection from retaliation or…Read more…
European Commission preparing EU legislation to protect whistleblowers
First public announcement that European Commission is preparing legislation for whistleblower protection at EU level.
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EU whistleblowers
Greens propose new whistle-blower protection…Read more…
NUJ Brussels whistleblower protection meeting – Tues 25th April, 19.15
The Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists (Britain & Ireland) is holding a special meeting on Tuesday 25th April – focusing on the challenge of whistleblower protection. As…Read more…
Greens propose new whistle-blower protection law for Belgium
Two NUJ Brussels branch officers attended a Brussels round-table on whistle-blower protection organised by the Belgian Groen and Ecolo parties on 21 December 2016. Groen and Ecolo (Belgium’s two…Read more…