If you are a Fabian member you should have got an email invite to this survey (with a live link). An “interesting” survey to fill out if you have 5-10 minutes. . “For those of you who are Labour party members, we invite you to complete our …Read more…
Socialism and Patriotism in a time of crisis
Recently the Labour Leader, Keir Starmer has faced some criticism following a leaked report recommending that the Party focuses on “flag and patriotism” to win back voters.
The former chair of the Fabians, Paul Richards has written a topical article …Read more…
Labour Party Conference 2019: Sunday #Lab19 (twitter)
Feeling very smug that managed to go for run this morning. I was/am looking a little rough for some reason. Will I make it tomorrow?
At @thefabians @unions21 #Lab19 fringe on does labour have a progressive plan for the NHS?
Now at @LGAco…Read more…
“Sir Robin Wales calls for contested mayoral ‘trigger ballot’ outcome to be cancelled”
Hat tip Dave Hill’s On London blog “Sir Robin Wales has asked the Labour Party to cancel the outcome of the internal selection process that saw him endorsed to seek a fifth term as Mayor of Newham following a campaign by local members for an inves…Read more…
Grenfell Tower: The anatomy of a disaster & the future of social housing in London – Newham Fabians 20 Sept 2017
This looks like a really good event. Well done to the new Newham Fabians Officers for organising this. Thankfully we now have a local Fabian society that actually does stuff! Tom will be a great speaker. Read more…
Newham mayor ‘trigger ballot’: union confirms that affiliation fee not paid
Check out Guardian Journalist, Dave Hill’s blog.
A second organisation whose vote helped Newham mayor Sir Robin Wales go forward unopposed as Labour candidate for next year’s mayoral election in the borough has effectively substantiated a complaint by local party members about an…Read more…
“Labour members and councillors call for Newham mayoral trigger ballot enquiry” Newham Recorder
Check this report by our local Newham weekly newspaper.
“Nearly 50 Labour party members have called for their governing body to launch a “full enquiry” into the results of the Newham mayoral trigger ballot.
A 13-page letter signed by 47 members of the East Ham and West Ham Constituency…Read more…
Newham Fabians – Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I posted here on the AGM meeting of Newham Fabians due to be held tomorrow Wednesday 11 January 2017.
A previous “relaunch” meeting with Newham Mayor, Robin Wales, as speaker, had already been cancelled I understood because of a planned lobby by membe…Read more…
Newham Fabians Annual General Meeting 11 January & the National Fabians Society New Year Conference 14 Jan 2017
On Wednesday I am looking forward to the Newham Fabian AGM. See picture right from the last one I attended in 2011 (I think there was one in 2013 but none since).
Hat tip photos Dan McCurry.
I think you can still join for £7 and attend.
“Newham Fabians Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 11…Read more…