As Moy Park profits touch £90 million Unite exposes how poverty pay at Randalstown has left workers borrowing to ‘make ends meet’. A Unite survey of striking Moy Park workers has revealed that eight…Read more…
Moy Park shamed amid strike
Unite are workers now on their fourth day of strike action at Randalstown plant. Unite has determined that Moy Park is paying its workers there £5,000 a year less than workers at other company sites….Read more…
Moy Park workers down tools
Unite members at the Moy Park site on the Moneynick Road, Randalstown have established pickets at the feed mill in a strike to win pay parity with other Northern Ireland sites. Strike action at the…Read more…
‘The forgotten key workers’
This week, on the first anniversary of the UK’s first lockdown, UNITElive is featuring some of the top stories we have covered on the pandemic and our members’ contributions, concerns and…Read more…
Poultry factory ‘disregarded Covid-19 concerns’
Bernard Matthews bosses ‘disregarded coronavirus concerns’ at its Great Witchingham factory in Norfolk, where 75 staff have tested positive, Unite, the UK and Ireland’s largest union, said today…Read more…
Meat plant deep clean after new Covid cluster found
After 35 staff tested positive for the virus the pork meat processing plant will now close for a deep clean this weekend. It’s understood testing and tracing will take place among the 500 employees…Read more…
‘Fighting back against tyranny’
Covid-19 has put food and agriculture workers at the heart of a national and international fight and highlighted all that’s wrong with the food system — dysfunctional, fragile, exploitative, wholly…Read more…
The struggles of rural poverty
Every year, or at least every normal year, the annual Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival takes place in the village of Tolpuddle, in Dorset, where trade unionists from across the UK gather to commemorate…Read more…
PM announces easing of lockdown measures
Prime minister Boris Johnson today (June 23) announced a further easing of lockdown measures, with plans to reopen pubs, cinemas, restaurants, museums and certain other venues from July 4….Read more…
Three food processing plants close amid outbreak fears
Unite’s warning that food processing plants could turn into hotspots for Covid-19 transmission is coming to pass after three factories have shut amid suspected coronavirus outbreaks. On Thursday…Read more…