Proving that politics is not just about campaigning, debating and organising (as vital as this is) but also occasionally about having a bit of fun. Picture above from last Thursday BBQ at West Ham Labour Branch in Vicarage Lane Community Centre. They e…Read more…
“Dozens pay their respects to war victims killed when a bomb hit their bus”
Hat tip Newham Recorder “Cllr and members of the public attending a vigil on Dames Road where a V1 flying bomb landed killing people on a bus outside the Holly Tree pub
Dozens gathered to pay their respects to Forest Gate’s war dead on the anniversary of the night a bomb hit a bus during the…Read more…
Remembering local Nazi atrocity – V1 attack on Forest Gate 27 July 1944
Above is a picture collage from this evening’s anniversary vigil to remember the victims of a Nazi Flying bomb attack on this day 27 July 1944 which killed horribly at least 38 East Enders (updated figure) at this very spot.
Forest Gate Councillor, An…Read more…
Anti Fascist/Anti Nazi Vigil: Remember V1 Rocket Attack Forest Gate – 27 July 1944
Thursday 27th July Forest Gate North Labour Party will be holding an Anti Fascist/Anti Nazi vigil to remember those 20 or so local residents killed by a V1 rocket on the 27th of July 1944.
Meet at The Holly Tree Pub 141 Dames Road , E7, corner with Pe…Read more…