Hat tip picture Tower Hamlets Council and report Ali G and article by East London Advertiser (note campaign in Newham to protect the grave site of Sarah Chapman in Manor Park Cemetery. – https://www.johnslabourblog.org/2020/03/visiting-grave-of-…Read more…
To the Memory of Levellers Private Biggs & Piggen – Shot 18 September 1649
I was recently sightseeing in historic Oxford when I came across this plaque in Gloucester Green. I have heard of the execution by Cromwell of Levellers at Burford and have long meant to visit the church but I have never heard of this incident nor can …Read more…
Tomorrow is election day in Tower Hamlets!
“Do you have any spare time tomorrow? If so come and join us in Tower Hamlets to get Labour voters out to vote for John Biggs as the new Mayor.
We’ve got two sessions: 1pm and 5.30pm at Stratford station (5.30pm meeting …Read more…
West Ham “on the knocker” for John Biggs
Picture collage from yesterday of West Hammers (and a East Ham comrade) “on the knocker” for John Biggs as Labour Mayor for Tower Hamlets.
West Ham Labour Chair, Charlene McLean, led our team “assisted” by her campaign hardened 9 month old baby daught…Read more…
West Ham CLP London Mayor Nomination meeting – 28 May
Labour’s London Mayor Nomination – 28 May 2015
I would like to invite you to West Ham Labour party’s all-member meeting on 28 May where we will decide whether to nominate candidates to stand for London Mayor.
After we’ve finished making nominations we hope you will stay and join us for a…Read more…