Act now! Still places on branch officer courses 22-24 April

There are still places on the courses for new branch officers being held in Glasgow from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 April.

The courses are aimed at newly elected officers or those who want to understand more about a particular role.

It may also be useful for those who have not done training for a while as most of the material has been revised and updated and they can share their experience withRead more…

Courses coming up in May

There is still availability in some UNISON courses coming up – ERA Refresher, Organising Stewards, Mental Health at Work and Writing and Editing Skills. If you are interested, see more here and contact your branch to apply.

ERA Refresher – Glasgow (residential) – 6 – 8 May 2016
This course is for any stewards/branch officers who have not undertaken any training in the last 5 years. It is notRead more…

UNISON launches childcare charter for West Dunbartonshire

Date: Monday 15 June 2015

UNISON has launched a positive 10 point Charter for Early Years services run by West Dunbartonshire Council.

Staff feel the quality and value of their interaction with children is being diminished as to date there has been minimal engagement with the workforce or their union UNISON on how the expanded provision is delivered.  

The Charter sets out basicRead more…