Conference agrees actions against Housing Act
The article UNISON vows to campaign for social housing first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Conference agrees actions against Housing Act
The article UNISON vows to campaign for social housing first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Debates see delegates back a range of measures on pay, academies, funding and much more
The article Education dominates local government conference on final afternoon first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
Local government conference hears Hope not Hate’s Nick Lowles call for work to build hope and a better world in memory of murdered MP and union member
The article ‘We must redouble our efforts build…Read more…
EPSU general secretary tells local government conference that Brexit would not ‘cure what is wrong in the EU, in the UK or elsewhere’
The article ‘We can fight together for a more social…Read more…
Delegates queue up to reveal the scale of the crisis affecting a vital service
The article Delegates vow to fight against social work privatisation first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Delegates commit union to campaign for quality youth services as part of broader fight to save local services
The article Cuts are destroying youth services across the country, local government…Read more…
Debate also hears calls for work to improve pay, terms and conditions for members
The article Campaign urged against meat inspection deregulation first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
Local government delegates hear plea for a housing policy which will help people: ‘build, build, build’
The article Housing crisis is ‘a national disaster’, conference hears first…Read more…
Local government conference hears that pay has fallen behind that in other public services
The article Delegates call for action on NJC pay spines first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
‘We all live 12 months of the year’ and need to paid for 12 months, local government conference delegates hear
The article UNISON pledges campaign for an end to school workers’ term-time…Read more…
Raising the union’s profile is “like joining a gym: you don’t buy your ticket and then sit around waiting to get fit”
The article Delegates stress the need to build the union through organising…Read more…
UNISON president says people should ‘reflect on some of the language used’ in EU debate
The article Delegates remember murdered MP and Orlando club goers first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…