It’s only got 28 days but UNISON made every one of February’s count – here’s our regular round up of just a few of the things the union achieved over the last month
The article Packing a punch, in…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
It’s only got 28 days but UNISON made every one of February’s count – here’s our regular round up of just a few of the things the union achieved over the last month
The article Packing a punch, in…Read more…
Union says move to increase councillors’ allowances by 11%, when budget faces £125m budget cuts, shows they are ‘far removed from what’s happening to local communities’
The article Norfolk…Read more…
Local government conference welcomes early lodging of pay claim and calls range of actions to support it
The article Delegates discuss building a campaign on pay first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…