Now I have had some time to recover from electioneering and reflect upon last Thursday 6 May – some thoughts:-
Congratulations on Sadiq being re-elected as London Mayor; Unmesh re-elected as our local City & East Assembly member and Farah winning t…Read more…
Sadiq for London Manifesto launch – “My Green New Deal will support 175,000 jobs”
This morning there was the launch of Sadiq’s Manifesto to be re-elected as London Mayor. Check out YouTube launch here
If you love London: vote for it. #VoteLabour Read more…
London UNISON Labour Link phone bank with Abena Oppong-Asare MP
Photo (hat tip @iamritabegum) from tonight’s Greater London UNISON Labour Link sponsored phone bank for the London Mayor and Assembly elections. I was pleased as elected Chair of the regional Labour Link committee to welcome long standing UNISON…Read more…
Having a dialogue with West Ham residents
This morning there was a Newham wide Labour telecanvassing session using the Labour Party “dialogue” software to call residents about their views about Covid and the forthcoming local elections in May.
I don’t particularly like telecanvass…Read more…
Unison affirms Sadiq Khan as our London Labour Mayor Candidate
Greater London UNISON’s Regional Labour Link Committee yesterday unanimously agreed to support Sadiq Khan as Labour’s candidate for the Mayor of London in 2020.
It was great that Jeremy headed the list of endorsers and that all wings of th…Read more…
Choose the next Labour Leader and London Mayor – Sign up to be a Labour Supporter
It is not the most enticing advert but I assume people are working on it and something better will come out soon.
If you agree with this :-
“I support the aims and values of the Labour Party, and I am not a supporter of any organisation opposed to it.”
Then for only £3 you can become a “Labour…Read more…