This week is “Love Unions” week. So check out why Labour’s new deal for workers is so important Sectorial bargaining alone in my sector will be a game changer for the lives of millions of low paid, insecure and vulnerable workers.
I re…Read more…
InUNISON – What have the Trade Unions done for us? #LoveUnions
Check out this modern remake of an old classic at
All of next week is Share this video and all the other eventsRead more…
#HeartUNISON 2020
“Heart UNISON is part of Heart Unions Week, a national event organised by the TUC to celebrate unions and make sure everyone knows why we’re vital at work”.Read more…
♡ UNISON: because of the support they give me as a nurse
“Union reps are good for workers and employers and we can prove it”
Check out TUC risks and link to Stronger Unions response to the latest nonsense from the Tax evaders alliance.
“The TUC has ripped apart the latest attempt by a right-wing lobby group to claim paid release for union reps comes at a cost. TUC national …Read more…
#HEARTUNISON 8 – 14 February 2017
“It’s back! Up and down the UK workers will be celebrating being part of a union.Heart unions week is a national event organised by the TUC that many of you will have taken part in and due to the success of 2016, it’s back!We know this government is intent on hurting working people and undermining…Read more…
Newham Fabians Annual General Meeting 11 January & the National Fabians Society New Year Conference 14 Jan 2017
On Wednesday I am looking forward to the Newham Fabian AGM. See picture right from the last one I attended in 2011 (I think there was one in 2013 but none since).
Hat tip photos Dan McCurry.
I think you can still join for £7 and attend.
“Newham Fabians Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 11…Read more…
HAVE YOU VOTED? – Indicative ballot / Workplace meeting Clarion Housing Group
Have you voted in the ballot?
Time is running out to have your say…Dear UNISON Member
Clarion and Latimer management has decided to de-recognise trade unions for all staff, pending the result of a survey the…Read more…
Wishing everyone a Merry Crimbo & Happy New Year (and don’t forget #LOVEUNIONS)
Wishing everyone a Merry Crimbo & Happy New Year (and remember #LOVEUNIONS)
I have this year not sent any cards but instead donated money to the MIND Blue Light Campaign in memory of UNISON President Eric…Read more…