The cabinet may be divided, but public sector workers shouldn’t be. Having learned the hard way that cutting public sector pay is unpopular with voters, Conservative cabinet ministers are finally changing their tune. In the last few days, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt, Michael Gove and Justine…Read more…
Beware the NHS myths from Gove and the Brexit Bunch
As the economy stutters, more people lose their jobs, tax receipts fall and services are cut, do you trust Michael Gove and Boris Johnson to defend our health service and fund it properly?
The…Read more…
NHS Brexit bonanza fails to convince
Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have been hitting the Brexit campaign trail to claim that quitting the EU would free up the £350m a week they say we spend on the EU to give instead to the NHS. It’s hard to know which end of this one to doubt first. The BBC’s face checkers were…
The post NHS…Read more…
Freedom of Information – Threats and Excuses
Here is the recently published article I wrote for the new edition of the Scottish Left Review, on behalf of the Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland. I’ve tried to add helpful links into…Read more…