Unite will resist

Unite members joined thousands of people from the trade union movement at the TUC’s Protect the Right to Strike march and rally on Saturday (January 27) in Cheltenham. Unite made a particularly strong showing at the demonstration, with members from all sectors represented including health, local government, steel and many others. They all sent a […]

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‘The government has lost the plot’

The government’s new anti-strike bill – which is now being rushed through Parliament – had its second reading in the Commons on Monday (January 16). Unite and other unions have lambasted the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill as an anti-democratic power grab by the government which will severely curtail the right of union members to […]

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‘Dangerous gimmick’

Only a day after failed talks between health ministers and trade unions on health, rail and teacher disputes, the government today (January 10) published a sinister bill that aims to severely curtail the democratic right to strike. Condemned by trade unions as unworkable and undemocratic, proposals in the bill would mean some trade union members […]

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