Check out this press release by the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (I am Joint Vice Chair) on the recent visit by our Chair to Brazil. Many thanks to Doug and our engagement partners, PIRC, for all their work during this important visit. Some …Read more…
Mass protest at Tory outrage result
Provocative plans to hold a Tory party celebration at the National Coal Mining Museum have been cancelled following a mass outcry. Shameless Dewsbury County Conservative Association planned to…Read more…
‘Body blow’ for Boulby
Around 140 employees are facing redundancy at a Teeside potash mine, after bosses announced “further restructuring” measures. The job losses, which are expected to take place by the end of the…Read more…
Potash hammer blow
The north east economy has suffered another hammer blow with around 220 job losses announced at the potash mine at Boulby, near Middlesbrough. Unite, which has about 800 members at the UK’s…Read more…
What’s wrong with ISDS? Romania’s environment & history under attack
The latest example of what’s wrong with Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) – the privileged route to riches for foreign investors who can persuade a separate international court that they have been disadvantaged by a democratically-elected government – is a case being lodged…Read more…
“I support my dad”
“I Support My Dad” explores how the 1984-85 miners’ strike affected the lives of children who were involved in the protest in North Staffordshire. Produced by Stoke-on-Trent based film company…Read more…