More than half of the east London council’s dominant Labour group have taken a very public stand against the borough’s Labour Mayor
JOSHUA NEICHOThirty-two Newham councillors, more than half the total number, have signed an open letter calling on…Read more…
“Labour members call for immediate ‘open selection’ to choose Newham mayoral candidate”
Another sensible article from “On London” journalist Dave Hill on the Newham Mayoral trigger debacle. He features Newham Councillor and former mayoral advisor (one of the very few female advisors) Julianne Marriott, calling for an open selection. The N…Read more…
“Sir Robin Wales calls for contested mayoral ‘trigger ballot’ outcome to be cancelled”
Hat tip Dave Hill’s On London blog “Sir Robin Wales has asked the Labour Party to cancel the outcome of the internal selection process that saw him endorsed to seek a fifth term as Mayor of Newham following a campaign by local members for an inves…Read more…
“Labour refuses Newham ‘trigger ballot’ inquiry as affiliate finds breach of its own rules”
From Guardian journalist Dave Hills on his blog. “Labour’s governing national executive committee (NEC) has turned down a request from party members in Newham to hold an inquiry into how the borough’s executive mayor Sir Robin Wales was narrowly chosen to seek election to the…Read more…