
For thirteen years they weakened us.Cut doctors and nurses who treated us.Devalued social workers who cared for us. Bosses mocked and taunted us.Self-employment became bogus.Secure jobs – precarious. Cyclists were turned into modern day pack horses.Eight hours to zero they texted us.In warehouses they tagged us. For ten years we’ve had austeritypushing us into poverty.China […]

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A cold spell

Although spiders’ webs were frozen on treesAlthough the leaves had been dipped in iceAlthough waters’ constant drip turned into shafts of iciclesShe hunkered down on a pavement in Kentish TownOn cardboard ready to sleep under polystyrene Her name was Lidia or perhaps MariaHer birthplace BoliviaHer heart gave out on TuesdayShe lit up when someone spoke […]

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