UNISON Scotland is supporting the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland mass lobby of MSPs at the Scottish Parliament on 29 September. Full details from SCCS are below, including how to register for the limited number of places, and how to send support if you can’t attend.
And if you’re a member interested in action on climate change, do join our Green Network. At our September meeting, we will beRead more…
Remember to use your vote – and use it to support UNISON members
Every vote cast in every one of these elections will have a profound impact on the lives of UNISON members, their jobs and the services they provide.
The article Remember to use your vote – and use…Read more…
Tackle fuel poverty scandal and help fight climate change, says UNISON
Tackling Scotland’s “disgraceful” fuel poverty scandal must be a top priority and will help fight climate change, UNISON said today.
New figures from the Existing Homes Alliance show that 62% of Scottish homes are “unhealthily cold”. The public services union works with the EHA, Energy Action Scotland, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland and others in calling for a Warm Homes Act.
UNISON’s 2016Read more…
Vote for investment in public services, Scots urged
UNISON Scotland launches manifesto for 5 May Scottish Parliament poll: Public services and the good society
The article Vote for investment in public services, Scots urged first appeared on the…Read more…
Climate inspiration – film and @SCCScot online debate, as UK CCC calls for strong action
UNISON and Global Justice Now are holding a free community screening of the climate film This Changes Everything next month.
And the union is supporting Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s Climate Day #AskClimateQ Holyrood election online evening debate on 18 April, as well as holding a joint fringe with SCCS at the STUC Congress in Dundee that lunchtime.
Yesterday the UK Committee on ClimateRead more…
#AskClimateQ online debate #Holyrood2016 18 April
Ask the climate question – Stop Climate Chaos Scotland’s online debate with political parties
Monday 18th April 2016, 7pm – 8.30pm
With elections in Scotland this May, use your voice to call on political parties to turn climate ambition into climate action.
Join us online from anywhere in Scotland on Monday 18th April at 7pm.
For many years now, all parties in the Scottish Parliament haveRead more…
UNISON lobbying Scottish Parliament for fair funding for local services
Scotland’s largest trade union will lobby the Scottish Parliament on budget day (1pm, Wednesday 24 February 2016) to call for a fair funding settlement for local services.Local government has taken the brunt of cuts in Scotland. Scottish Government funding is down by 0.8%. Yet funding for local government is down by 4.5%. This is a £500m cut from local services this year. The cumulative costRead more…
Further cuts to local services not sustainable, says UNISON Scotland
Date: Tuesday 2 February 2016
UNISON Scotland is calling for the Scottish Parliament to use its powers to put more money into local services. By 2020 expenditure on public services will be 12.5% lower in real terms. That is on top of the £2.5bn cuts since 2010.
This next round of cuts will mean at least another 15,000 job cuts for local councils. Of the 50,000 jobs that have been lost inRead more…
Ask Scotland’s party leaders to turn climate #AmbitionIntoAction
UNISON Scotland is supporting the new Stop Climate Chaos Scotland campaign calling on Scotland’s political leaders to turn ambition into action.
2016 is election year in Scotland. And that means our political parties need to tell voters what they intend to do if they are elected.
After the December 2015 climate agreement in Paris, what matters now, across the world, is what actually happens asRead more…
UNISON calls on MSPs to oppose fees increase for health and care professionals
Date: Monday 15 June 2015
UNISON is calling on MSPs to oppose new legislation which aims to substantially increase registration fees for professions registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.
The Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee will consider this subordinate legislation (regulations) at its meeting on Tuesday, 16 June. UNISON is requesting an opportunity toRead more…