Every year on 20th November the lives of trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the last 12 months are remembered.
The article Transgender Day of Remembrance 20 November first appeared…Read more…
All the union news that's fit to blog...
Every year on 20th November the lives of trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the last 12 months are remembered.
The article Transgender Day of Remembrance 20 November first appeared…Read more…
On Trans Day of Remembrance, the new policy will help workers and employers, and challenge transphobia in the workplace
The article UNISON launches model trans equality policy first appeared on the…Read more…
On December 1st, Transgender Equality was debated on the Floor of the House of Commons for the very first time. Maria Miller MP moved the motion calling on the Government to review its response to the recommendations of the Women and Equalities Committ…Read more…
Unions: not them; us. “Think not what your union can do for you but what you can do for your union.” Actually when I went through gender reassignment, my thoughts were very much with what my union…Read more…
Delegates debate a range of motions on how best to increase inclusivity while being sensitive on language issues
The article LGBT delegates develop themes of inclusivity first appeared on the UNISON…Read more…
The Government has finally responded to the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee Report on Transgender Equality that was published in January 2016. This wide ranging report recognised that, despite welcome progress in recent years, our society is still failing to support the rights and…Read more…
UNISON commissions research on implications of public spending cuts
The article How are cuts affecting LGBT people and services? first appeared on the UNISON National site.Read more…
IDAHOBIT offers a great opportunity for campaigning in the workplace, so let us know what you have planned
The article Get ready for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia…Read more…
UNISON has welcomed much of what is contained in the report of the House of Commons Women and Equalities Inquiry into transgender equality that has been published today, and is calling for early…Read more…