Scottish Parliament Trade Union Bill lobby

UNISON Scotland joined with the STUC at today’s lobby of the Scottish Parliament. There was a rally outside Parliament with speakers from the main political parties. Activists then watched MSPs debate the Bill in the main chamber debate of the day, passing a strong motion opposing the Bill. Ther is more detail in Dave Watson’s blog post. Thanks to the UNISON Scotland branches who supported theRead more…

Trade Union Bill lobby at Westminster

Despite the weather that disrupted travel into London this morning, UNISON Scotland was well represented at today’s lobby of Westminster against the Trade Union Bill.Trade Union Bill is a ferocious attack on almost every aspect of trade unionism. It shifts the balance of power in workplaces further to the advantage of employers and away from workers, whether they are in a union or not. It isRead more…

TU Bill: CoSLA’s pledge to defy and UNISON Scotland video

As we gear up to the Manchester Rally, UNISON Scotland has welcomed the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (CoSLA) announcement on 28 September: “Scotland’s Councils have come out in force today to stand shoulder to shoulder with their trade union colleagues against the UK Government’s Trade Union Bill.” Earlier Glasgow, Edinburgh and Renfrewshire councils voted not to co-operate withRead more…

Industrial relations in Scotland and the Trade Union Bill

In today’s Scotsman, UNISON’s Dave Watson contrasts the industrial relations culture in Scotland with the latest Tory attack on trade unions in the Trade Union Bill.He gives a short history of how this different culture has developed since devolution, particularly in the public sector – the main target of the Bill. He also makes the case for the type of workplace democracy the Tories want toRead more…