‘Fix our broken economy now’ call

The British economy continues to stagnate after new figures published on Thursday (October 12) showed that gross domestic product (GDP) grew by a mere 0.2 per cent in August. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said the latest data demonstrated the need to “fix our broken economy right now”. Fuelling modest GDP growth in August was […]

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Economy ‘not working for working people’

Ahead of the opening day of Labour Party Conference today (October 8) Unite launched the latest iteration of its Unite for a Workers’ Economy campaign by asking “Who Should Our Economy Work For?” Unite general secretary Sharon Graham and the union’s delegation unveiled the campaign slogan just before the conference got underway. Unite is undertaking […]

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UniteLive stories of the year – ‘From the ground up’

Every day over the Christmas period, UniteLive is running a different story from our top stories of 2023. Today we look back at a comment piece from Claire Peden, Unite organiser and team leader of Unite for a Workers’ Economy about their Feed the Weans campaign wins. — In September last year, hundreds of trade unionists […]

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‘Astonishing corporate greed’

The UK’s biggest supermarket Tesco continues its shameless profiteering spree, Unite said on Thursday (April 13) as the stock exchange published the retailer’s latest figures. Although Tesco’s profits were down from last year’s profits bonanza – which totalled a record-breaking £2bn in pre-tax profits – the supermarket still made an astonishing £3bn in profits over […]

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End supermarket profiteering call

A coalition of local campaigners and trade unionists will stage a protest outside Asda in Hull to highlight the deep injustice of residents in Hull going hungry while supermarkets like Asda engage in a grotesque display of unchecked profiteering. The protest will take place on Monday, February 6 from 12pm to 1pm at Hessle Road […]

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Football fans and Unite team up to tackle food poverty in Glasgow

Unite is teaming up with Fans Supporting Foodbanks who will travel to Glasgow from Liverpool ahead of the Rangers vs Liverpool Champions’ League group game today (October 12). They will team up with fans from a number of clubs including Rangers and Celtic to deliver food to foodbanks in the City of Glasgow. Research conducted […]

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Let’s fight for a workers’ economy

Last Friday, hundreds of trade unionists and campaigners staged a protest at the headquarters of Scottish Power in Glasgow. The protest is part of a new grassroots movement being spearheaded by Unite. It is clear our economy isn’t working for anyone but the wealthiest people and biggest corporations. In the first six months of this […]

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