Shadow chancellor John McDonnell laid out the Labour party’s single-minded “ambition to radically transform society” in a speech at Unite’s policy conference today (July 14), in which he also took…Read more…
Labour – fight Tories call
Unite members expressed frustration in a vote at conference today (July 14) in which they debated the policy of reselection of Labour MPs. Examining the conduct of some within the party and the…Read more…
Support Corbyn call
Uniting behind Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn, Unite delegates voted in favour of a motion today (July 14) to call on Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) to urge their MPs to support the party’s…Read more…
Accountable services call
Fighting against privatisation of public services was an important discussion for delegates (July 12) who believed that the process was “often not transparent nor meaningful. The consultation fails…Read more…
Seat at Brexit table call
Unite policy conference delegates backed a statement on Europe from the union’s executive council yesterday (July 14), which demanded trade union input into the ‘Brexit’ negotiations. Warning…Read more…
Change for the better
In his first speech after it was confirmed on Tuesday (July 12) that he would be on the ballot paper in the upcoming Labour leadership contest, Jeremy Corbyn addressed delegates at Unite’s policy…Read more…
Fighting trade union spirit
For the third consecutive year, on July 9, 150,000 people attended the Durham Miners’ Gala or ‘Big Meeting’ that is held against the spectacular backdrop of Durham Castle and…Read more…