Just a quickie on one of my favour topics – worker representation in corporate governance. First up a bit of politics: Once again the main opposition parties (including the SNP) went into the election advocating an extension of worker representation on…Read more…
Corporate governance, again
There have been a few developments over the past week or two that play into the argument I’ve been making that 1990s-style corporate governance is come under serious pressure to change.
1. Polling from the resolutely centrist Progressive Cen…Read more…
More workers on boards news…
Wisconsin Democrat Senator Tammy Baldwin has issued a report calling for workers to elect a third of the board of directors.
The aggregate evidence from comparison countries provides strong support for the theory that worker empowerment can foster seve…Read more…
Workers on the board at…. Walmart?
If there were any doubt the idea of employee representation at board level is gaining momentum in some unusual places, then take a look at this:
Murray believes that, if there had been a meaningful number of people with a stake in Walmart’s longer-term…Read more…
Changing of the guard in corporate governance
I have been blogging a lot recently about employee representation on boards. This is partly because I’m an advocate of it, partly because no-one else seems to be tracking the issue properly and partly because I think the issue is part of a significant …Read more…
Ted Baker chief exec departure and workers on boards
I’m still tracking company announcements on if/how they are complying with the UK Corp Gov Code in respect of employee voice.
I’ve found two more choosing to designate an existing NED as employee representative. The first is the recruiter Hays, announ…Read more…
Asset managers and worker directors
The more I’ve been digging around for info on workers on boards, the more interesting things I find. For example, I had heard a rumour a while back that ATOS was thinking about appointing a UK employee director. And it turns out that they did. In fact …Read more…
Workers on boards round-up 2
As I’ve blogged quite a lot recently, I think the ground is shifting with regards to the UK corporate governance model. Specifically, the issue of employee and other stakeholder representation is being debated increasingly frequently.
Although there i…Read more…
Employee representation at board level: first steps
As most people will be aware, the revised UK Corporate Governance Code kicks in next year, and an important element of it relates to “employee voice”. At the risk of overstating things, the change in the Code is significant as, for the first time in it…Read more…
Workers on boards round-up
Just a quick round-up of some news that relates to the issue of worker representation on boards. I think the fact that there is quite a bit is indicative of the shift in thinking that is going on.
1. This is old, but I had totally missed it. Mears Gro…Read more…
A missed opportunity – the government’s corporate governance proposals
I have in a blog in The New Statesman, entitled Workers on boards was an enlightened idea – Theresa May should have stuck to it , which sets out the TUC’s comments to the government’s corporate governance proposals, after our initial response described the proposals as feeble. And in…Read more…
BEIS Committee of MPs says workers on boards should become “the norm”
The BEIS Parliamentary Committee reports today on its corporate governance inquiry launched last autumn. There is much to welcome in its recommendations, which span workers on boards and remuneration committees, board diversity, executive pay, private companies, directors’ duties and enforcement….Read more…
Workers on the board?
One of the UK’s largest low-pay employers is planning to appoint a worker representative to its board. Outsource firm Mitie, which provides care-taking and cleaning services, is considering…Read more…
Green Paper is a missed opportunity to create a Corporate Governance system that works for everyone
The glaring omission of yesterday’s Corporate Governance Green Paper is its failure to include any proposals to deliver on Theresa May’s promise to put workers on company’s boards. On other issues, it includes a few sensible suggestions, but these are wedged between others that would be make little…Read more…
Worker board representation must mean what it says on the tin
The government’s Green Paper on corporate governance is expected today (Tuesday 29th November) and should include the government’s proposals for putting into practice the Prime Minister’s repeated commitment to have workers represented on company boards. As I blogged last week, there are three key…Read more…
Prime Minister reconfirms commitment to workers’ representation on company boards before #Autumn Statement
Speaking immediately before the #Autumn Statement to a packed House of Commons, the Prime Minister clearly said that the government would bring in worker representation on company boards: I believe that we should see workers’ representation on boards. I make no apology for the fact that this…Read more…
Brexit means Brexit. Workers on boards means workers on boards
We’re looking forward to the Prime Ministers speech this morning to the CBI, and any detail on the pledge she made in her conference speech to build ‘a country that works for everyone’. Theresa May’s signature policy to date has been her plan to include workers on company boards. In her pitch to…Read more…
All Aboard Making worker representation on company boards a reality
Speaking today at the Conservative Party Conference, the Prime Minister repeated her commitment to introduce worker representation on company boards. The TUC has just published a new report All Aboard that sets out proposals for making this a reality, …Read more…